00 Years 00 Months 00 Weeks 00 Days 00 Hours 00 Minutes 00 Seconds
Improve Your Eyesight Naturally In Just Three Weeks!
Join The 21 Days To Better Eyesight Experience Now!
Course Starts April 8, 2024
I also understand that as part of the
Naturally Clear Vision System, I will get access to:
Here's what you get when you enroll today:
  • EARLY BIRD BONUS (thru 11/16): Lifetime access to
    LIVE Roll & Relax Classes with Q&A (priceless)
  • Bonus #1: Lifetime access to 21 Days To Better Eyesight Experience & the private support group to connect with the vision community ($497 value)
  • Bonus #2: Two Palming Eye Rest Meditations ($47 value)
  • Bonus #3: Daily Insights Guide for short daily written instructions and easy habit tracking to support your new vision habits ($97 value)
  • Bonus #4: Three Additional Roll & Relax myofascial release classes to massage away tension in the face, neck and head that affects your vision ($197)
  • Bonus #5: Customizable Clear Morning Ritual Blueprint ($97 value)
  • Bonus #6: Live Welcome Call where you get clarity on where you are now, where you want to be and how to get there ($197 value)
  • Bonus #7: Week 1 Live Group Coaching Call to support you and answer questions ($497 value)
  • Bonus #8: Week 2 Live “Inner Game” Coaching Call to help you release emotional or mental blocks to healing ($497 value)
  • Bonus #9: Week 3 Live Group Coaching Call to support you and answer questions ($497 value)
  • Bonus #10: LIVE Roll & Relax “Face & Neck Lift” Myofascial Release Class with Q&A ($197 value)
  • Bonus #11:​ Week 4 Live Implementation & Next Steps Call to support on your path to never needing glasses again ($197 value)
  • Bonus #12:​ Five Advanced Vision Trainings so you can start implementing techniques for your vision challenge in your daily life ($197 value)

    100% Satisfaction Guarantee!

    I understand that I have the full 21 days to try out the program, and if what Claudia advised doesn’t work, I’ll get a refund for the full investment. This guarantee means I get access to the entire online course including all videos, audios and written documents, can attend the group coaching calls, and ask my questions in the support group. To qualify for a refund, I have to show that I have done the program, practiced daily, asked for advice during the live coaching calls and did not see any results in my vision.
    Here’s What My Clients Are Saying:

    What if you could stop your eyesight from getting worse and worse... 

    You care deeply about your overall health and prefer natural approaches over invasive options such as surgery or having to rely on pills with massive side effects to heal disease.

    Deep down you always felt that glasses and contacts are like those pills. Except that their "side effect" is that they made your vision worse over time. 

    Yet you trusted your eye doctor and followed their advice. Only to come back home with another stronger (and expensive) pair of glasses. 

    So you did the right thing and looked for alternatives. 

    You found online videos, podcasts, books, CD's, and maybe even practiced some of the things that were suggested. In the end, you struggled because you weren't sure if you were doing the practices correctly, or how often and how long to do them.

    Eventually you gave up as "life" took over, feeling guilty about not being able to succeed.

    You know you need to do something to reverse the decline in your vision, but you don't have the time, energy and money right now to invest in a comprehensive vision improvement program or private sessions.

    Then 21 Days To Better Eyesight Experience is what you have been waiting for!

    ...and have better eyesight in just three weeks!

    Discover the Naturally Clear Vision Method
    in a new, easy-to-implement,
    minimum time commitment way!

    You've been asking for the simplest, most direct path to holistic vision improvement that works without a huge commitment of money, time and energy, and regardless of any specific eye condition. 

    You’ve asked for something easy-to-implement for busy people, that still incorporates the best eye practices that get the maximum gains in the minimum time — something you might call “THE FOUNDATION.”

    Imagine being able to read without glasses again or with the lowest strength drugstore readers instead of expensive progressive glasses that give you headaches, dizziness, and a stiff neck and cost thousands?

    Imagine the freedom and empowerment of not needing crutches to read, drive, play sports, travel, work, and enjoy your hobbies.

    Cynthia Anglemyer had already worn reduced strength glasses before beginning the three week course and was amazed when she went to see her eye doctor that her vision improved so much during the 21 day program that even those glasses are too strong!

    You can be the next success story — but only if you decide to take action and sign up for 21 Days To Better Eyesight Experience now 
    Master the 3 Aspects of Vision Improvement in just 3 Weeks!
    Leave the course with your quick, easy and customizable Clear Morning Ritual for perfect eyesight all day long
    WEEK 1
    Release The Strain
    In week one you will connect with your fluctuating vision and experience what strains your eyes and what relaxes them. You will use mental upgrades, breath practices and eye rest to shift into a relaxed nervous system state for optimal vision.
    WEEK 2
    Receive The Light
    Week two is where your eyes truly become the light receivers they are. You reduce your light sensitivity, become more present in your day to day life, release tension in head, neck and shoulders and build your first Clear Morning Ritual for your eyes.
    WEEK 3
    Relax Into Clarity
    In week three you will improve your saccadic eye movements, expand your peripheral vision, learn the foot-eye axis for relaxation, deepen your diaphragmatic breathing and combine your key practices into your personalized Clear Morning Ritual.
    The 21 Days To Better Eyesight Experience is for you if you:
    • ​​Know your vision isn’t going to get better if you keep doing what you’re doing
    • ​You are looking for an easy way to just get started with holistic vision
    • Believe in natural methods and want to see if they work for your vision condition without investing a lot of time, energy and money
    • ​Want a minimal amount of theory and information and instead focus on action steps
    • Have tried improving your vision with books, YouTube videos, but didn't see lasting results 
    • ​Need easy to implement, step-by-step short protocols to take action
    • ​You are willing to spend a little time each day to learn and develop new habits
    Leave with a simple vision protocol to continue to improve your eyesight for life.
    You’ll complete the 21 Days To Better Eyesight Experience with your own short daily vision routine that not only helps your vision stay crisp and clear, it helps you feel confident, empowered and relaxed all day long.

    This is my most accessible offer ever. For less than one pair of glasses, you can start improving your vision naturally in just three weeks.

    And you can be an inspiration to those around you to make positive changes for their eyesight too.

    So if you’ve looked at any of my programs in the past, but weren’t ready to jump in, this is the moment! 

    Your vision is the foundation of how you experience the world — and it’s so worth protecting. 

    There is no better offer anywhere to get these kind of results in such a short time. 

    21 days will pass before you blink, and if you jump in now, you’ll start on a lifelong path of saving, protecting and improving your vision as a way of life. 

    Yes Claudia! I'm ready to invest into my eyesight to begin my path to freedom from glasses and contacts
    I understand that I'm getting access to an offer worth over $2,000 that
    will not be available in this form at this tuition ever again. 
    I went to my ophthalmologist for my two year not annual check. I asked him about keeping one's eyes young. He said, no way, that our eyes get old just like the rest of us. They stop being able to move, blah, blah.
    I asked about neuroplasticity and he poo- poed it for the eyes. 

    Then..... he examined my eyes and said, "You have the eyes of a 16-year-old."
    Ha— I owe much of that to you!

    Beth Rubenstein

    As Claudia was teaching me different exercises I started to see more clearly and at a deeper level. She actually initiated a change in perspectives that led to upgrading my relationship to my eyes. Fascinating! 

    I now find myself being a lot more mindful and protective about my eyes and also receptive to the needs of my entire body.
    I am so grateful for this, all the support Claudia gave me and the patience she had working with me. 

    Claudia Tan

    Palming is a big surprise in my life. And my eyes love to look around after these refreshing rests. I have already thrown my glasses away (and I loved them)!

    Reading, driving, watching TV... everything without glasses. I had no idea how extremely often I was staring at the monitor to concentrate without blinking. Now I do understand that blurry times during the day just means to stop being so tense.

    Iris Schuster

    Get ready to quit these frustrating "tactics" to compensate
    for your poor vision for good!
    • Enlarging your text on your phone, tablet and computer
    • Using your smart phone flashlight to read a menu in dim light
    • Having readers in every room to make sure you find one when you need them
    • Storing glasses on your night stand so you can grab them first thing in the a.m.
    • Squinting to read street signs or recognize people in the distance
    • ​​Making excuses to bail out of events because you are afraid to drive at night 
    • ​.... (what is yours?)
    Yes Claudia! I'm ready to invest into my eyesight to begin my path to freedom from glasses and contacts
    I understand that I'm getting access to an offer worth $2,000 that
    will not be available in this form at this tuition ever again. 

    100% Satisfaction Guarantee!

    I understand that I have full 21 days to try out the program, and if what Claudia advised doesn’t work, I’ll get a refund for the full investment. This guarantee means I get access to the entire online course including all videos, audios and written documents, can attend the group coaching calls, and ask my questions in the support group. To qualify for a refund, I have to show that I have done the program, practiced daily, asked for advice during the live coaching calls and did not see any results in my vision.
    Frequently Asked Questions:
    • How fast can I expect improvements?
      That really depends on your current vision and your willingness to use reduced strength glasses as well as your commitment to your vision improvement journey. It’s less about hours of eye exercises and more about becoming more aware of your vision so you can change your habits. On average participants see improvements in the first week. They are also less dependent on glasses after the program and many are able to go completely without them for all or the majority of their daily tasks. 
    • ​Does 21 Days To Better Eyesight Experience replace my eye doctor? 
      Definitely not! It’s absolutely important that you see an eye doctor regularly to make sure your eyes are healthy. It’s the best way to catch an eye disease or other diseases such as diabetes early so you have a great chance to reverse them.
    • How long do I have access to the course?
      You have lifetime access to the course itself and the Facebook support group as well as the community inside the course, so you can review the trainings as often as you like. 
    • ​I am really busy for the next month, can I still do the program and see results?
      We recommend that you wait until you can commit 10-15 minutes a day for your eyes.
    • When are you running this program program again?
      We offer 21 Days To Better Eyesight Experience several times a year.
    • ​I am not wearing glasses yet (or just weak readers), is this a good program to take?
      Prevention is way better than trying to reverse decades of wearing strong glasses. What you learn in 21 Days To Better Eyesight Experience will keep your eyesight in pristine shape for decades to come, or get you out of those “cheaters” that lead to rapid vision decline. Plus, with lifetime access to the course, you can come back if you ever have future vision problems or want to help a family member.
    • ​I have been diagnosed with [insert eye disease or other complex health condition]. Does 21 Days To Better Eyesight Experience help?
      Yes! Because 21 Days To Better Eyesight Experience is designed around keys of perfect vision as well as eye anatomy, neuroscience and central nervous system regulation into a relaxed state of eyes, body and mind, it will help with any condition. Clients have improved their sleep, their energy, their outlook on life, their relationships with themselves and others, and more. 21 Days To Better Eyesight goes well beyond “just” eyesight improvement. We are confident that the program will help you but can never make any guarantees when even your doctor can’t.
    • ​What is the timeline of the 21 Days To Better Eyesight Experience April 2023 course?
      The program starts with our Welcome Call on Monday April 3 and ends with our final Success Shares & Next Steps Call on Monday April 24. And when you complete the first ten days of the course, you also get access to the live Get Clarity Coaching Call.
    • I am not able to attend the live coaching calls, does it make sense to join?
      Absolutely! We record all three calls and you’ll get lifetime access to the recordings in the replay section. And you can ask questions in the Facebook support and the course community which you also have lifetime access to.
    • ​Can I share this program with other family members?
      Of course! I love it when my students become 21 Days To Better Eyesight ambassadors! However, only one designated person per purchase can join the live coaching calls and the Facebook support group. To put it simply, what 21DBEE can do for you is educate and empower YOU to have a deep understanding and appreciation of your vision and to equip you with tools to turn things around toward measurable improvements in your vision.
    • ​Does this program work for children?
      This program has been developed for adults. However, if you are a parent or grandparent, you can easily teach the little ones the techniques by turning them into fun games! We always emphasize that the caregiver needs to be in charge of helping the child by first improving their own vision.
    • Are there any payment plan options?
      Right now we don't offer any payment plans, but please reach out to support@myholisticvision.com if you need help with financing options.
    • ​Do you offer discounts for those on disability, seniors, veterans, students?
      Please reach out to support@myholisticvision.com to see if you qualify for a discount. 
    • What is the refund policy?
      We have the best satisfaction policy in the industry: If you fully participate in the program and don’t see improvements by the end of the course (date of final call), you will get your whole investment back!
    Yes Claudia! I'm ready to invest into my eyesight to begin my path to freedom from glasses and contacts
    I understand that I'm getting access to an offer worth $2,000 that
    will not be available in this form at this tuition ever again. 
    21 Days To Better Eyesight Experience is brought to you by 
    Claudia Muehlenweg
    Natural Vision Correction Expert
    Hi I am Claudia Muehlenweg, and founder  of  the Naturally Clear Vision Institute and creator of the Naturally Clear Vision Method. I always hated my glasses from the day I got them at age 3 and have made it my mission to help others see clearly naturally… just like I have done, almost 20 years ago.

    The Naturally Clear Vision Method is the result of my own 40-year vision improvement journey and research combined with over a decade of  experience in teaching my students to improve their vision naturally. As a former award-winning designer and art director, protecting and improving my vision has been the common thread my entire life.

    Medical Disclaimer: The information in this program is not medical advice or treatment and is not intended to replace traditional vision care or regular check ups with an ophthalmologist or optometrist. The vision educators of Holistic Vision LLC dba Naturally Clear Vision Institute are not medical doctors or licensed medical providers. By choosing to join the program, you understand that you are not being diagnosed or treated for your vision or any other health condition. This program is intended as a sharing of knowledge and information from the research and experience of Claudia Muehlenweg, myholisticvision.com, and the experts who have contributed. We encourage you to make your own vision care decisions based upon your research and in collaboration with a qualified and licensed eye care medical professional and are not liable or responsible for any changes you make to your approach to your vision.